Monday, May 17, 2010

Jack and Peggy Visit Arizona #1

Jack and Peggy are visiting. They are Jim's cousins and this is the first time they are in our Sonoran desert. Saturday, we drove through the Santa Cruz Valley and did some touristy things.

Just the drive down I-19 is worthy of any Saturday. The area is greener than further north in Tucson and this time of year, since we had some good winter rains, it is especially beautiful.

Our first stop was the Santa Cruz Spice factory. As soon as you get out of the car, you can smell chili powder, garlic, oregano, cilantro and other spices I can't  even identify.  Inside, there is always a large bowl of tortilla chips with several salsas and dips, some mild and some that bring tears to your eyes. Thank goodness, there are signs next to each bowl warning you about the heat. The chips and salsa was our appetizer.

Next came lunch at Wisdom's Cafe in Tumacacori. Wisdom's has been around since 1944. It started as a place that served breakfast and, in the evenings, provided a bar for local cowboys. It's got personality as well as great Mexican food. Lots of artifacts from its early days hang throughout the building. The business has stayed in the family, and generation after generation of folks who appreciate good food visit Wisdom's. Many know the family members who continue to work there and meet the new kids coming up. There aren't many businesses like Wisdom's still around.

Then it was on to Tubac. This area, with a history of missions, mines, wars and  ranches, is now an artist colony with lots of galleries, shops, and restaurants. First, we viewed the outdoor sculpture gallery.

Below is a scupture from the Karin Newby Gallery and Sculpture Garden.

History also figures heavily in Tubac so after visiting some galleries, we toured the old one room schoolhouse and the ruins of the oldest Spanish Presidio site in Arizona. I hate to admit it, but I remember desks like that.

We also found time to go through the Tubac Presidio Museum filled with information, artifacts and exhibits.

It was a full day! But Jim and I hadn't done such a complete tour of the Santa Cruz area in a long time. It's funny how you need someone from the outside to get you to visit the treasures of your own area.  We won't wait so long for our next visit.

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